China Commercial Encryption: New Control Lists Issued for Commercial Encryption Subject to Import Licensing and Export Control

On 2 December 2020, China’s Ministry of Commerce, together with the State Cryptography Administration and the General Administration of Customs, issued Notice No. 63 on the Issuance of Import Licensing and Export Control Lists and Related Administrative Measures for Commercial Encryption, which took effect on 1 January 2021. Businesses operating in China or with business dealings in China will therefore need to review and determine whether any of their products currently being imported into or exported from China fall within the control list to ensure compliance so that they can apply for the relevant import/export permits.


For further inquiries regarding this alert, please contact:

Eugene Lim
Co-Founder and Principal, Taxise Asia LLC
[email protected]
+65 6304 7989
Benedict Teow
Associate, Taxise Asia LLC
[email protected]
+65 6304 7978
Jacqueline Li
[email protected]
+65 6304 7972